Join the Tertiary Research Group


I wish to become a member of the TRG and receive the journal Tertiary Research.

Data Protection Act UK: The Secretary of the TRG maintains computer listings of members consisting the following information: name; address; telephone number; interests or research topic. This information is only available to the officers and Members of the TRG and is not disclosed to third parties for any reason. Any member is free to object to the above information being held in a computer, whereupon his or her records will be stored separately. This will entail additional work for the (unpaid) TRG officers and may cause delay in posting issues of TR. 

(due January)

US dollars


Ordinary Membership

$ 45.00

Joint Membership (Two members-one journal)

$ 50.00

UK Student Membership

$ 30.00

Miscellaneous Payment
For (greatly appreciated) donations and micellaneous payments.

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